Looking for the Baddest Last Dragon T-Shirts around? Sho’nuff you say? Well, you’ve come to the right place. Below you will find a list of the greatest Last Dragon T-Shirts I’ve come across on my journey to keep the Glow alive.
The list is due for an update so in the meanwhile check out my lists of the best Last Dragon T-Shirts available for purchase on REDBUBBLE and TeePUBLIC.
Just came from Instagram? Here are the links you’re looking for:
Buy The Last Dragon Art Seen on Instagram
The Last Dragon Tribute Store on Teepublic
The number of artists who have been inspired by The Last Dragon is unbelievable. There is so much amazing and unique Last Dragon inspired art online. I try to bring exposure to these great artists by sharing all the art I can find either through this site or social media (particularly on Instagram), but the best way to flaunt it is to wear it!
I own a few of the unique Tees below and when I wear them people always ask “where did you get that?”
Wonder no more. Here’s The Last Dragon Tribute’s list of the best, baddest, meanest and prettiest Last Dragon Tees around along with where you can buy them. Just click on the title, artist or picture to visit the site where you can buy the T-Shirt for yourself! Many of them feature a Sho’nuff or Bruce Leroy reference or quote from the movie.
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
The Top 15 Last Dragon T-Shirts of All-Time!
(it started out as a top 8 and has and will continue to expand over time)
1. “I Got The Glow”
by Bexclusives and Team Okee’Doke
There is even a version of this shirt that actually glows in the dark!
2. Leroy Green’s School of Kung Fu
What was the name and location of Bruce Leroy’s Dojo? According to this artist it was called Leroy Green’s School of Kung Fu and it was located next door to Daddy Green’s Pizza!
3. Harlem Shoguns
by Hypernerd Creative
This one makes for a great Fantasy Football Logo! If Sho’nuff the Shogun of Harlem ever inspired an NFL football team this would be on all the merchandise.
4. The Last Dragon Glow Poster Shirt
by Mauro Balcazar aka agliarept
Yup this is the original version of the art we use for our logo.
5. ‘I AM’
The Last Dragon’s most important quote by the artist who is bringing us The Last Dragon animated series and sequel: Rise of The Last Dragon!
6. The Final Level
Mauro designed this to premiere at the UASE’s Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Celebration. It features the hierarchy of villains Leroy must defeat to reach the final level to achieve the Glow!
7. Sho’nuff (Run DMC style)
A Badass Sho’nuff remix of the infamous old school RUN DMC logo.
by Cahnartist
A beautiful tribute to the late Denise “Vanity” Matthews.
9. When I Say “Who’s The Master?” You Say Sho’nuff!
by Donkey Tees
The Last Dragon’s #1 Quote
by BoloSamoa75
Could this be the greatest fight promo poster of all-time? Sho’nuff!
11. The Shogun Of Harlem
by InkOne
Iconic Sho’nuff “Playtime’s Over” pose with the red glow
by Troy Perry
Artistic impression from the final showdown between Sho’nuff & Bruce Leroy. The actual image was made famous for appearing on the first DVD cover in the early 2000’s
13. Dojo De Sho’Nuff
by SholoRobo
Sho’nuff’s emblem from his wild urban samurai outfits turned into a logo for his dojo.
14. Daddy Green’s Pizza
by Mauro Balcazar aka agliarept
Just Directa Your Feetza to “Daddy” Green’s Pizza- Another one of The Last Dragon’s most famous lines…
15. Shogun of Harlem
by PopNerd
Simple but stylish includes Sho’nuff’s emblem
This is the place to find the coolest Bruce Leroy and Sho’nuff Last Dragon inspired T-Shirts! We will be constantly updating this list. Visit our T-Shirt page for our own exclusive line of The Last Dragon Inspired T-Shirts.
For more unique The Last Dragon, Martial Arts and other cool cult classic Movie inspired T-Shirts made by independent artist visit my favorite’s gallery on Redbubble and Store on TeePublic.
The Meanest, Prettiest, Baddest Last Dragon T-Shirts Around!
This site contains affiliate links to products. We may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.
TheLastDragonTribute.com is an online community for fans of the 80’s Motown martial arts cult classic THE LAST DRAGON. Using our web and social media presence our mission is to bring together fans from all over the world to help keep the Glow alive! We delve into all things The Last Dragon, Bruce Lee, and Martial Arts Entertainment.
Twitter: @thelastglow Instagram: @thelastglow Facebook: Fan Tribute to The Last Dragon Podcast: The Last Dragon Tribute Podcast www.thelastdragontribute.com |

I was the guy who told shonuff to sit down and shut up. Next to the guy with the pink shirt. But I was at first the radio smasher. I’ll tell you why and the switch with me and Michael schultze. My name is Pete traina 718 821 6367
🤯 Are you serious!?
Why did you switch from radio smasher to ‘sit down and shut up’ ? I always thought your character was a bravo guy for shouting back at shonuff
I’m literally watching the film now 😎 much love from the UK