Sequels and Remakes of 80’s movies seem to be coming out of the wood work lately. The Karate Kid, Tron, Wall Street, Footloose, Fright Night, The Thing, Conan The Barbarian & Clash of the Titans just to name a few.
There has been talk for years about Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon being remade as well. Samuel L. Jackson has even signed on to play Sho’nuff, and there are rumors of Rihanna filling Denise “Vanity” Matthews‘ role of Laura Charles.
Should The Last Dragon be Remade?
I am starting to think after this long the remake will never happen. I am a little torn. On one side I would love to see this Motown meets Kung Fu movie in the spotlight again. I would be interested to see what a modernized version of this campy classic would look like. The other side is that I am worried they will ruin a classic. I think it would be almost impossible to capture the original character that made The Last Dragon so special.

Who would you cast in The Last Dragon Remake?
I mean who could really match the arrogance & attitude of Julius Carry (RIP) as Sho’nuff? The boyish innocence, charm and martial skill of Taimak’s Bruce Leroy or the subtle flirty sexiness of Vanity’s Laura. Although Samuel L. Jackson’s resume of playing the bad ass mofo makes him a pretty good fit, no one could really be a meaner, prettier or badder mofo lowdown around than the original Shogun of Harlem – Julius J. Carry III. Busta Rhymes? Maybe 10 years and 20 lbs ago. I think Rihanna is a decent choice for Laura. She’s a sexy, pop/r&b star like Vanity was at the time. Some other candidates could be Ciara, Paula Patton, or Alicia Keys. Who could play Bruce Leroy? Pooch has mentioned on Twitter that he would love to play Leroy and work along side Rihanna and Samuel L. Jackson if the remake ever happened. I think Bobb’e J. Thompson (Role Models, Marcus PSP kid) would make a perfect Richie Green and Ke$ha or Lady Gaga could play Angela.
What do you think?
Will The Last Dragon remake happen? Should it happen? Who would you cast in The Last Dragon Remake? Who would make the best Bruce Leroy Green? Vanity? Sho’nuff? Eddie Arcadian? Angela?
Your Comments are welcome…
Read more about The Last Dragon Remake on The Last Dragon Tribute site is a blog dedicated to preserving the joy of Berry Gordy’s 1985 Motown meets Kung Fu cult classic The Last Dragon. We also delve into all things Bruce Lee, Martial Arts and enjoy reminiscing about 70′s,80′s & 90′s pop culture. Follow us from the links below for your daily dose of the Glow!
This movie, as stated before, is a classic. This movie should not be replicated. The 80’s were special and hollywood has a way of wateringdown classic titles. “The Last Dragon” is a “cult classic” low budget diamond in the rough. I wouldn’t want to see my favoite movie tainted by what hollywood would want it to be
I hear ya grizzz! I wouldn’t want one of the greatest movies of all time tarnished either!
i know a kid that is way better than taimak and wen u look at him u c a bruce lee ora the kid is a 2nd degree kung-fu wu su student under master jerome cook who was under tutalage of Grand master alan lee the school (temple) is in harlem n.y. they call him “the lee” his real name is kimani stevens PLEASE WHO EVER IS REMAKING THIS MOVIE GIVE THE KID A CHANCE AND CHECK HIM OUT YOUR MOVIE WOULD BE GREAT WITH HIM IN IT!!! HE EVEN LOOKS LIKE TAIMAK BUT BETTER
1212-725-0535 ASK FOR THE ADDRESS
World Martial Arts Champion Chucky Currie should defiantly be in the movie somewhere. The original story was basically capped off of his legacy. Chuck Norris named him the new Bruce Lee! Check out his short film Enter the Tiger on his website!
I don’t agree at all with Rihanna as Laura Charles at all.. y not someone more classy and lady-like Christina Millian or Lauren London wld be a better fit to me. Sho-Nuff ok Sam Jack is ok. I think Busta cld still do it with the training he wld def lose the weight. Plus he played it so well in the video. Bruce Leroy hmmmm I’ve heard many say Chris Brown based on his dancing and acting alone cld b an amazing fit. Eddie Arcadian cld be the guy who played in Home Alone the short robber (i cant remember his name right now) and Angela cld be someone Kwirky like Katy Perry. Just my opinion… I agree with Grizzzz Id rather them not remake it, its a classic and they will add to many extra effects the movie DOES NOT NEED… To make it this centurys over done crap.
Rihanna seems like a controversial pick. People either lover her or hate her. Although Vanity played classy and cute in The Last Dragon she was pretty naughty back then too, just listen to her Vanity 6 song “Nasty Girl”. Christina Millian and Lauren London are good suggestions. I don’t know if I could handle Chris Brown playing Bruce Leroy…. Joe Pesci would make a good Eddie Arcadian. What do you think about Danny Devito or Jason Alexander (Seinfeld’s George Costanza). How about Lady Gaga as Angela. She’s Kwirky. 😉
Danny Devito was cast in the original and FILMED, but that whole storyline ended up on the cutting room floor.
Heres my list..
Leroy- Jamal from Empire. Some muscle definition and martial arts training. Taylor lautner a longshot but an actor and real martial artist
Sho nuff- guys like michael jai n wesley snipes seem too old. Sam jack way too old. Need someone in their low to mid thirties i think and tall who can do over the top and menacing and believable. Ufc Jon Jones…longshot
Laura- nicole scherzinger or keri hilson
Eddie- jack black
Angela- anna faris
Rocko- dwayne jojnson or john cena
Sum dum goy trio- taimak, ernie jr, glen eaton
Ritchi- jamals young bro from empire or someone younger
Daddy Green- blackish lead actor
Master- unknown
William h macy- cameo
It either needs to be a period piece set in 80s.
Maybe have bruno mars do a song or two also or both main songs from original soundtrack.
What do u think?
Don’t agree with Rhianna…mainly bcuz I never saw too much talent in her..she is artificially created and to me nothing is beleiveable about her..Sam Jack or Busta def. Works.. I think John Travolta could be Eddie..he don’t fit the look but he such great actor he would make us believe it after his first line. I say Kris D Lofton could be a better leroy than buddy from the game he don’t even look tuff enuff. Smh….Kris Lofton has the correct build, voice. Chris Brown could pull it off..but in my opinion too cocky PLUS how are he and Rhianna gonna be able to do that movie together…can’t happen so scratch that idea..or keep chris and dump her.
If they ruin the movie by putting Chris Brown’s stupid behind in it, I can promise you they’ll never get a dime from me. Rihanna is bad enough, but I’ll go smack the director if they put Chris Brown in it.
Sam jack way too old and joe pesci was the short robber..also way too old.
Or Paula Patton or LaToya Luckett for Ms. Charles
Love Paula Patton!
Yes now you’re talking I didn’t think of that Paula Patton or LaToya Puckett are great choices! And as far as Bruce Leroy I’m still with Wesley Jonathan gotta give this brother a chance! Sam Jack Terry Crews, Busta, are great ideas for Sho George from Seinfeld is a great choice for Eddie Ark’ and maybe Katy Perry for Angela after that finding the rest of the cast will be easier I even see Loretta Devine playing a small role as Leroy moms I can see her throwing dough lol idk those are my pics
It’s stuck in hollywood’s developmental hell. As much as I LOVEEEEEEEEEE this movie I was sorta interested to see where the remake would lead. But I’m glad it’s prob not going to happen! You really can not remake the ‘campy’ nature of the film. It’s also very rooted for it’s time.
From what I gather they want to make a epic film, and it’s really not like that. Dallas Jackson who wrote the initial first draft of the remake I think got the fun and heart of it. But I think they scrapped the idea of Leroy in love with Bruce Lee with something else.
I’m not quite sure where it is draft wise at this point. In the biz if you don’t hear a director attached to the project it’s prob dead.
If you were to ask me what cast: Rihanna would be a logical choice among some others like the young lady in ATL, Paula Patton, Ciara, Nicole S. from the pussy cat dolls
Leroy should always be cast as a unknown the movie inspired many martial artist so why not continue the tradition.
I suppose Sam Jackson can ham up the role of Sho’nuff
Majid thank you for sharing your insightful comments! Masternever tells me you are one of the biggest Last Dragon fans alive and now I see this to be true. I share many of the same thoughts about the remake. Excited about the buzz but glad if it never happens. I also think casting an unknown for Bruce Leroy would be best or just get Taimak to do it again 😉 Nicole from the Pussy Cat Dolls to play Laura Charles? Had not thought of her; she would be good.
Thanks for the kind words!
Taimak shared his dream with the world while playing Bruce Leroy. I think it would only be fair if another young man gets a chance to do what he once did.
I think he would agree, and they did offer him a small role in the remake. At this point, even Taimak has moved on and is working on his short film.
Fans look at for Masternever and the flow of death in the near future. We will be at NY Comic Con in Oct so if you can come on down!
I feel it should be remade and pooch hall should play Leroy, busta rhymes should play Sho nuff, beyonce should play Laura, Jason Alexander should play Eddie and Kesha should play eddies girl friend !
I would not want to see a remake this is a classic I personally think some remakes are not good. I love the orginal cast esp. taimak and shownuff r.i.p was to good.
a remake in my opinion is a direct translation verbatim – a carbon copy… no it shouldn’t be remade/duplicated… i don’t even think it’s possible… you just can’t recreate the “atmosphere” so to speak… the original cast, the 80’s, the music especially… hollywood has apparently run out of ideas -> or the writers just stopped giving a f*** (more) after the 2007 ‘writers strike’ hence ‘remakes’ and cliche plots/storylines (avatar/fern gully)… i suppose a retelling with a few common elements wouldn’t be entirely trash -> as i do like the new mortal kombat series on, ‘legacy'<- the writers even took feedback and altered much of what they were intending for the story itself… add some the same principles and subtopics in the original like bullying, chivalry, persistence, humility and you got yourself a decent foundation…
They should just rerelease it in theatres..I didn’t go see karate kid so I won’t go see this if it happens..
in terms of main cast?! in almost any case i’d choose -> master – chow yun fat/sammo hung, leroy – corbin bleu (chris brown?! wtf?! no never/lautner?! gifted martial artist but no) hardest part to cast in my opinion, sho nuff – keith david, eddie – kevin james/jason alexander/steve carell, laura – ciara/nicole scherzinger, richie – bow wow, brandon jackson, johnny – john cho, tai (ernie r. jr) – justin chon
Here is my remake team:
Bruce Leroy – Justin Bieber
Laura Charles – Sarah Palin
Sho Nuff – Kreyshawn
Richie Green – Mike Bloomberg.
No one can beat this list.
Nicole Shrezinger should play Vanity’s former role. She has a great voice, and I’ve always thought she looked like one of Prince’s girls from back in the day, bearing a strong resemblance.
Ugh, please don’t; so sick of having Beyonce jammed down my throat every time I turn around, like there’s no other Black singer or actress on earth. Anyway, I’m from the camp that thinks that this movie should not be remade to begin with. There was a special quality about it that came from being a low budget 1980s joint full of unknowns, for the most part. That’s why it’s a cult classic. All of that campy goodness and all of the unpretentious charm will be lost in a big-budget Hollywood remake. plus, other than Sam Jackson as Sho’ Nuff, I’m not excited about ANY of the names being thrown around as potentials for the other characters, especially for Bruce Leroy (seriously, Corbin Bleu and Chris Brown?! Just don’t bother). They should just re-release the original in theaters and be done with it.
I agree you said that!
Beyonce stop playing,Kim Kardashian with out the makeup would look the most like her.But if she got cast,Rhianna, or Beyonce I would never go see it Beyonce is a horrible actor.
WE NEED THE CASTING OF THE NEW LAST DRAGON TO BE SIMLIAR TO THE WAY IT WAS CAST IN THE 80’S. Taimak was cast with no acting ability and taught onset….the new bruce leroy should also have no acting experience…he should be taught onset like they did with Taimak to keep the feel the same. Also, i think the casting directors should pick a martial artist that lives in harlem Ny, next to the apollo theatre, wher the origional auditions where held. Find a Martial artist in that area…from new york..and looks like Taimak….with no acting experience…you can create a very authentic Bruce leroy….They shouldnt pick those well known pretty boys. NO one knew Taimak before the last dragon…so no one should know the new Leroy either……hope it waorks out the way i typed…lol
You made the best point so far…I didn’t think of that good answer
I agree with the post of Michael Jones. Hopefully they will choose excellent martial artists with the potential for acting. I really don’t want to see pop singer,rappers, or actors who don’t have martial arts training. When those types of people are used, we are usually stuck with fights scenes that are composed of quick cuts and exaggerated fight sounds. Think about the films of Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Donnie Yen, ect… we are able to see how their whole body moves in fight scenes.
If the script and budget is strong enough, mabye they can get some seasoned martial actors to play certain roles in the film. Also, it would be nice to see Ernie Reyes Jr. (aka Tai, in the original) worked in to the film somehow.
I really think Jaden Smith could play Leroy, since he did get a heads up in the karate kid and he’s definitely hot among the kids theses days…. just a thought.
1. Leroy – Should be cast as an unknown young brotha. Its alot easier to relate to people we don’t know or haven’t seen before. Chris Brown, we’ve seen enough of.
2. Sho-Nuff = I can live with Sam Jack because he can ham it up and give the look! I really want to hear him say “Ni**a Please”. Busta needs some more acting lessons. Did you see Halloween Resurrection? Horrid. **I don’t know get why everyone sleeps on WWE wrestler Booker T? This dude would kill the role! If have never seen Booker T cut a promo , youtube him! And he is pro wrestler, so the fight scenes would come naturally!!***
3. Laura Charles- I would SO love for Paula Patton to do that role. I would be in the front row!! No Rhianna, no Beyonce please!!
4. Eddie Arcadian- Joe Pesci is the first person I could think of! It made for him but I could see someone like John Travolta making the role his.
5. Angela – Amanda Seyfried?? DUHHH!!!
6. Beast- Metta World Peace!!!
7. Tai (Ernie Reys Jr) – Jaden Smith. You gotta have him! It would be a travesty if you didn’t!
Joe pesci way too old imo. I think jack black would fit. Booker t would be great if younger imo. Hes like 50 almost. At that age then youd have to consider guys like michael jai white, wesley snipes and maybe terry crews and longshot Will Smith. Anna Faris as Angela..shed played a funny wanna be rocker in Just it.
I posted my list on here.
Hi I’m Dominyck McCargo, and I think I would be a great fit for the role of Bruce Leroy. I am a young, up-and-coming actor, and martial artist.
I just finished an anti-bullying, martial arts short-film which can be viewed here:
Please contact me at if you are interested. Thanks!
Hi Dominyck, just watched your short film, well done! Doesn’t look like the The Last Dragon Remake is going to happen at this point, but good luck with your acting career. Thanks for visiting the site.
Have loved reading some of these comments and felt I had to add my own to the mix.
Do I think it’ll be remade? Probably eventually. Hollywood has already shown its redundant for new ideas and its only a matter of time till they return to martial arts.
I watched this film a gazillion times when I was younger. It kept my interest in martial arts up to what it is today.
It really is a cult classic and has it all. Appalling acting, an awful storyline, a belt buckle. I loved it!!!
I think people are getting hung up on what the film was though. A new version could never be the same. I don’t think it should be. Why take the original and remake it as it was. Leave that alone in camp classic heaven with sho ’nuffs shoulder pads. Music has moved on as have budgets, acting and sets….and fortune cookie machines
A reimagining would be interesting. As long as it didn’t ignore the original or take itself too seriously, it could be good fun.
Leroy would have to be an unknown martial artist. A good martial artist. I have to say I do think chris brown could do the part some justice.
Rhianna? Just no….please….no….Christina millian or one of the others could be good.
Sho ’nuff is probably the most important casting. I do think Samuel j could be good but he is getting on a bit. Busta rhymes. Again, has a sho quality but has the acting ability of frog spawn. Who would look good as the shogun of Harlem?
Anything which keeps the original one alive is alright by me. Just don’t try and redo it……it would be like redoing the lost boys…impossible
i think it’s possible for the remake to haapen, but why not just have an casting audition for boys and girls ages 16 and up to get certain parts to be in the movie.
Pooch Hall as Bruise LeRoy. Alicia Keys as Laura Childs. Jackie Chan is old enough to play the teacher/master guy. Samuel Jackson would do justice to Sho nuff. And Bobb’e J. Thompson as the little brother.
Keys a good choice. Jackson too old.
I think Paul Giamatti would make a good Eddie Arkadien
Yeah he would be good choice.
I think Busta Rhymes would make a Helluva Sho NUFF not Samuel L. Jackson I would love to see that..
Raqi Thunder from Love and Hip Hop as (Vanity), Laura Charles. Buster Rhymes as Sho Nuff. Danny Devito as Eddie Arcadian. Bow Wow as Taimak’s little brother. Pooch Hall could be Taimak. The girl from Rush Hour 2 could be one of Taimak’s students. Jet Li, Jackie Chan, and Chris Tucker can sing the “Hot Saki Soup “song. Mr. Miagi can be the master, or Taimak himself. Anyone can play Leroy Green’s parents. Angela Basset can be the mom, and Samuel L. Jackson can be Leroy Green’s father. (my spelling is probably way off.) What is Sally Richardson doing these days? Her and Denzel could play the parents.
I just read the previous posts. Nicole Scherzinger from the Dolls is also a great choice, she is beautiful also.
Alicia Keys and Lauren London could work, they are beautiful too!
I think The Last Dragon is one of the greatest movies ever made. But I still would love to see it remade with all the new mordern day effects added to it. However, I don’t agree with Rhianna playing as Laura Charles. I think Lauren London, or Christina Mullian, or Janet Jackson would make a much better Laura Charles. Now, either Samuel L. Jackson or Busta Rhymes would make a good Sho’Nuff. Now, for Bruce Leroy, I think Shemar Moore would make a much better choice. He’s got the look, the boyish charm, and the acting skills. He would make a perfect Leroy. If I was yall, I would seriously consider him for the part of Leroy. And the rest of the actors, I’m fine with the people you already have. But I do think Janet Jackson aswell as Christina Mullian, or Lauren London would make darn good Laura Charles. But please consider those three for the part. Especially Janet Jackson. Just don’t pick Rhianna! And please don’t pick Chris Brown for Leroy. That would ruin the entire movie. Eventhough I loved the original, I still wanna see the movie remade with all the new actors and all the new effects.
I agree with Alicia Keys as Laura Charles aswel. But I would still like to see eirher Janet Jackson, or Lauren London, or Christina Mullian play the part as Laura. I especially think Janet Jackson is very beautiful and not to mention sexy. And I think she’s a good actress as well as a singer/ performer. In my opinion, I think the movie would make a great remake if yall go with all the people I suggested. Janet Jackson, or Elicia Keys, combined with Shimar Moore, Busta Rhymes or Samuel L. Jackson and Jackie Chan, would make a great movie. Especially with the right wardrobe, and incredible special effects.
Oh, I almost forgot, you have to throw in good jokes and good music aswel. Both new and old music.
And good videos too. Both new and old.
Ok. That’s all I got, for now.
I just want to see the remake of the Last Dragon on the BIG silver screen, soon. Real soon!
And don’t worry, I’ll still love the original. You can never do better than the original. You might do as good, but never better.
as a huge fan of the 1985 Berry Gordy movie “The Last Dragon” I feel our new generation could use an ramped up rendition of the unforgettable classic, but only if it is done correctly. the reason the first film worked so well was due to it’s blend of cultural expression and it’s lighthearted take on real inner city struggles. the original Last Dragon movie captured essence of America’s melting pot society and also touched base on the challenges minorities have overcome and achievements in which they bare fruit. A remake of The Last Dragon must portray the same element of today’s society with emphasis on art, entertainment, physical fitness, and morality…
now in regard to character casting the kid gloves must come off. The Next “Last Dragon” should not resemble last year’s Kids Choice Award line up. here are some of my picks for the who should be who category: now this being a martial arts film how about we get some martial artists who can act of course. (Kimbo Slice) would make a perfect Sho’Nuff. to play Leroy’s master (Wesley Snipes) or (Michael Jai White) would make a great fit. no need to completely regurgitate the original film. I must agree that (Paula Patton) would be amazing as Laura Charles. who would play Leroy’s overzealous out spoken brother Richie Green better then (Tyler the Creator)? I think a modern day Eddie ArKadian would have the swagger of Sopranos actor (James Gandolfini). and for the man of the hour Leroy Green, a young new face like (Brandon T Jackson) would be in order. need to hit those weights Brandon
I don’t know Kimani but I agree with Noah A. Barth, I’m a huge advocate on using actually talented people for roles unlike using celebrities just because they’re celebrities so to even acknowledge the idea of Chris Brown as Bruce Leroy is ridiculous. The role should OBVIOUSLY be filled by a real martial artist, not a celebrity. I think Laura Charles should maybe be a not so scene actress like Laura London or someone The Voice; to give someone a good start in their career, not an already known singer. Good strong ‘supporting’ roles is what would be needed like Jason Alexander as Eddie Arcadia, Dennis Chan as Leroy’s master, Bobb’e J. Thompson should be Bruce Leroy’s little brother, and either Busta Rhymes as Sho’ Nuff or a new face but definately not Samuel L. Jackson!
I think it would be good if the
remake only had one or two big stars in it. Sam jackson is way too old to play sho nuff.
This is one of my favorites and if it has to be remade in an updated hip hop way… Rihanna would be the obvious choice being a huge fan of Vanity I believe she can pull it off. The hate on Chris brown I don’t understand he is experienced in martial arts and dance and has an innocent charm he has displayed in more than one film and their natural chemistry and attraction to each other will make them a perfect cast choice. I heard Jayden Smith was in the running now that he is older. (shurg) But Busta was great when he did it but Sam Jack has the acting chops we need to hold the film together. The sound track will be amazing especially if RZA is involved.
Please God don’t let the smith kid get it. He was such a little whiney cry baby in that STUPID remake(in China no Karate involved).Let’s get a new fresh(BLACK) face who is a martial artist . I want Bruce Leroy to be a complete Bruce Lee nerd as me. But can KICK ASS when required.
Lets make this a great movie.Not a piece of crap like SOOOOO many other remakes (Car 54,Dragnet,Green Hornet,Lone Ranger( not counting the Disney version with Jonny Dep) but does look like a turd by the comericials and others.
The Last Dragon… what a movie! Please don’t remake it- ‘cos no offence but you will mess it up! And I can see why you’d put high profile characters in like Rihanna, Chris Brown, Samuel L Jackson etc… but aren’t these guys all ready loaded enough & giving them these roles would just be boosting their ego & profile. Why not get some new blood in for the movie, people we’ve never seen before & give them a shot at it. I’m sure there’s lots of potential out there. Not to mention, their pay will be a lot less than the big names we see day in & day out!
Laura Charles – Beyonce
Shonuff – Busta Rhymes
No one would play Vanity’s character better than Joseline Hernandez,off of Love And HipHop Atlanta but now she’s on the LA show,she is perfect for Vanity’s look alike! @thejoselinehernandez is her IG check her out for the ones who don’t know her!
I believe the guy that played Sweetness in Roll Bounce should play Sho Nuff