Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon was released in theaters on March 22, 1985. It’s been 32 years since Bruce Leroy went seeking “only wisdom of the master” at Sum Dum Goy’s Fortune Cookie Factory.
The other day the real Bruce Leroy, Taimak, passed by the location where the scenes were filmed and posted this video to his Instagram account: (PS if you don’t already know Taimak has a tell-all autobiography out right now)
The signs have changed and there’s some new paint but when I saw this I could hear “Suki yaki hot saki Sue You saki to me, I saki to you…” playing in my head and just had to post this…
Where Can You Find Sum Dum Goy?
So you would like to know where you can find the wisest man in the universe?
Well, that secret awaits eyes unclouded by ambition…
Actually, the master can be easily found at the corner of Walker St. and Cortlandt Alley in NYC’s Chinatown.

If you plan on trying to get into Sum Dum Goy’s, remember to bring a disguise. It will be needed “in order to get into the villain’s lair.”
The Making of The Sum Dum Goy Scene
This video from The Last Dragon’s 30th Anniversary Blu-Ray talks about how this scene was put together. The writer and producer of “Suki Yaki Hot Saki Sue”, Kerry Gordy explains how they came up with the name of the song. Actors Michael G. Chin and Henry Yuk talk about their roles and The Last Dragon’s writer, Louis Venosta, and director, Michael Schultz, discuss Black guys trying to be Chinese and Chinese guys trying to be Black and how this scene and the whole film looked to take a stereotype and turn it on its head.
Some Little-Known Sum Dum Goy Scene Facts
- The script called for the Chinese guys to act stereotypically Chinese accents and all
- Berry Gordy stepped in and asked the guys to Jive talk
- The song “Suki Yaki Hot Saki Sue” is not on The Last Dragon soundtrack
- The song was written by Kerry Ashby Gordy (one of Berry Gordy’s sons) & John West and credited as being performed by Raw Dog.
- The members of the group Raw Dog are unknown- so we don’t actually know who sings this song.
- There are rumors that the song was performed by Rockwell (one of Berry Gordy’s other sons Kennedy William Gordy) but I can’t confirm this
Who Are The Sum Dum Goy Dancers?
- Henry Yuk, Michael G. Chin, and Fred Mao played the dancers.
- Although they were never used in the film the Sum Dum Goy dancers did have names: Hu Yi, Lu Yi and Du Yi.
- The names were based on Donald Ducks nephews Huey, Dewey, and Louie.
- All three are still acting
- Henry and Michael both came out for the 30th Anniversary Last Dragon Reunion at The 2014 Urban Action Showcase

Henry Yuk‘s TV & Movie appearances after The Last Dragon include:
- Iron Fist (Netflix)
- Grand Theft Auto (Voice)
- The Departed
- Law & Order
- The Sopranos
- Chapelle Show (He was the Asian Delegation Rep in the classic Racial Draft episode!!!)

Michael G. Chin‘s TV & Movie appearances after The Last Dragon include:
- John Wick 2 (watch for him in the final shot of the movie)
- Daredevil (see image below)
- Blindspot
- The Colbert Report
- The Sitter
- Law & Order
- The Equalizer (1988 TV Series)
- Kung Fu: The Legend Continues (writer)

After all that nostalgia, you probably want to watch the scenes again, right? If so, here you go!
Leroy meets the Sum Dum Goy Dancers
Transcript from Bruce Leroy’s First Attempt at Finding The Master
What you lookin’ for?
I am looking for the Master.
Ain’t no masters here, dude.
-Ain’t no slaves either!
Is this not his fortune cookie factory?
The Master, he doin’ his wisdom thing.
I seek only wisdom of the Master.
You want wisdom, you buy fortune cookie.
– Take a hike, cool breeze.
– Yeah, baby.
Please, I must see the Master.
– It is very important to me.
– Look here, chump.
The Master don’t see nobody,
especially no jive coolies!
Yeah, he don’t see no one
who don’t know how to get down, baby!
– You dig, bro? You too square, man!
– Square, dude!
Let me say it so he can understand it, Jim.
You go now! Chop-chop!
Haulee ass outta this place!
Am I sayin’ it right, my man?
Like, hasta la pasta, you know?
– Buenas noches.
– Auf Wiedersehen, baby.
– Hasta lumbago!
– Sayonara!
– Catch you on the flip-flop!
– Sayonara!
Leroy discovers the truth about Sum Dum Goy…
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Craig Sutton | @thelastglow
———————————————————————————- is a blog dedicated to The Last Dragon fan community with the aim to Keep The Glow alive! It was started by a fan for the fans. Follow us on social media for your daily dose of the Glow!
Where to buy Taimak’s Autobiography
I truly enjoyed the movie and a remake is unnecessary. Also what many people don’t know is that the movie was filmed at Harlem Karate Institute(HKI) which is Grandmaster Dr.Ernest Hyman’s dojo.
Most recent about Fred Mao:-D
I’m a huge fan and this movie has always and will always be in my top 5 favorite movies of all time… I’ve seen it at least 100 times maybe more and it never ever gets old…the fight scenes…the 80’s nostalgia it’s all just amazing…and the music ….the music was amazing in the movie…Rhythm of the night was one of my favorite songs… I don’t think it needs a remake…it’s perfect the way it is!!!