The Last Dragon National Screening Tour
If you didn’t get out to one of the 30th-anniversary screenings last year this is your chance to meet & watch The Last Dragon with Taimak aka “Bruce” Leroy Green himself. Taimak has written an autobiography and is currently touring the country promoting it with screenings of the cult classic The Last Dragon at local movie theaters all over the country. Twenty plus cities are planned for the tour so there’s a good chance he’ll be in your area at some point this year.
***Buy Taimak’s Limited Edition Autobiography!**
DISCOUNT COUPON CODE: thelastglow (expired)
This article lays out the following:
- What’s Happening at the Screenings
- Tour Dates, Cities & Where to Buy Tickets
- Discount Code for Autographed Limited Edition of Taimak’s Autobiography
- Video: Q&A with Taimak from The Cleveland Screening
- Video: Power 105.1 Breakfast Club Interview with Taimak
- Some fan pics from recent screenings
2016 National Tour of The Last Dragon and the Autobiography: Taimak, The Last Dragon

1. VIP “The Glow” Ticket includes:
- Ticket to Last Dragon Movie Screening with Taimak
- Hardcover Copy of Taimak’s Autobiography
- Meet & Greet Photo Opp with Taimak (he will sign your book)
- Popcorn Eating Chopsticks
- Q&A with Taimak
Cheaper general admission tickets without all the perks above are typically available directly through theaters
The Last Dragon Tour Official Site by Incorgnito Publishing~> Buy Tickets & More Info
2. Confirmed Tour Dates & Cities

- Seattle April 1st
- Olympia, Wash April 9th
- Clevland April 14th
- Chicago April 19th
- Pittsburgh April 22nd
- Detroit May 15th
- St.Louis May 26
- Raleigh, NC July 10
- Atlanta, GA July 28
- Washington, DC Sept 1 & 2nd
- Boston, MA Sept 8
Upcoming Cities:
- St Louis
- Phoenix
- Philadelphia
- Miami
- Jacksonville
- Tampa
- Boston
- Atlanta
- Kansas City, MO
- Richmond
- Durham
- Memphis
- New Orleans
- New York City
Get Updates & buy tickets:
3. Taimak’s Autobiography

“I wrote the book in part because my fans thought I left them prematurely and I wanted to explain. And, because I wanted to give people of all backgrounds something inspiring that would help them through their journey of life.” ~Taimak on why he wrote his autobiography (source)
So far reviews of Taimak’s autobiography have been very positive with readers saying things like it’s honest, raw, authentic & inspiring.

Get your Limited Edition of Taimak’s book
Buy the hardcover, softcover or audiobook version on Amazon
4. Q&A from the April 14th Cleveland Screening
5. Taimak’s Nov 2015 interview on Power 105.1 – The Breakfast Club
shares some nice teasers about the autobiography.
6. Fan Pics from Recent Screenings

Will you be going to one of the screenings? Do you plan to get Taimak’s book? Talk to us on the social media links below!
Important links in this article:
- Movie Tickets
- Taimak’s Autobiography
- Keep up with Taimak on Facebook
The Last Dragon Tour is presented by Incorgnito Publishing Press
Written by Craig Sutton | @thelastglow
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