Tribute to The Last Dragon’s Richie Green
Update October 2012 – the tribute below was written just over a year before Leo O’Brien’s passing on October 10, 2012. Enjoy this tribute in memory of Leo and keep his family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. RIP Leo.

In of honor of Leo O’Brien, we have round up the Best Richie Green Moments & Quotes from The Last Dragon. For more on Leo O’Brien like what he was up after The Last Dragon check out Illmatical’s exclusive Leo O’Brien interview
Richie makes fun of his older brother Leroy, in Classic Richie Style:
Richie Green: Hey, Reloy! Your papa-san, he wants you in the kitchen, man! (Richie answers phone) Good morning, Green Sanitarium, Warden speaking and I must say our inmates are off to a promising start this morning. Who’s calling? …. Roy! I can’t come now. I’m being held captive till the coolie, moonie kid comes down from the roof. He’s becoming one with his brain again.

Daddy Green: Hey, let me get this straight. The prize in this contest, you hope to win, is a date?
Richie Green: “Am” gonna win. And it ain’t no thing and the prize ain’t no date- A night with Laura Charles is an event.
Daddy Green: Excuse me
Richie Green: I’m tellin’ you, pop the boy is off it. Stupid old clothes, won’t mess with any babes… People talk, you know.
Momma Green: Richard, leave your brother alone.
Richie: I can’t help it if he’s weird. You’re weird, man! Really weird!
Daddy Green: Richie when I first started my business people said I was weird, a Black man with a pizza shop now there isn’t a hungry soul in this town that doesn’t know my slogan “Just direct-a yo feet-za, to Daddy Green’s…”
Richie Green: Pizza
Daddy Green: Watch yourself son…
Richie: That’s my babe, Pop! That’s my date for tonight!
Leroy: That is her!
Richie: You telling me? You better believe that’s her! That’s Laura Charles!
Leroy: Laura Charles! I would like to see her! –
Richie: Well, who wouldn’t, fool? (mocking Leroy) “I would like to see her”, no way a queen is gonna be looking at a walking fortune cookie! (again mocking Leroy) “I would like to see her” Well, I’ll see her today, at rehearsal.
Leroy: You know where she is?
Richie: I know where she’s gonna be.
Leroy: You must take me to see her!
Richie: I ain’t taking you nowhere! You might embarrass me. You’re too weird.

Richie School’s Leroy on Art, Paintbrushes & Moooves:
Leroy: You do not understand. She may have something I need.
Richie: I knew it would happen sooner or later. You stood on your head so long, you broke it. Look, let me break it down for you. You seem to be wanting to broaden, get it, your horizons. You let a lot of good years roll by without even testing the old equipment. Now, even you being a disgrace and all, I’d be less than a man if I didn’t warn you… that there’s an art to making love and you don’t even have a paintbrush. You gotta know the moves, baby. You know, the moooves.
Leroy: Richie, I am not concerned with moves. My concern is something else.
Richie: Else? What else is there?
Leroy: Please, I must see her.
Richie: I don’t see why I’m getting so upset. Go on, go after a goddess if you want to, but let me tell you something. The worst thing that can happen to you is that she says “yes.” Cause ain’t no woman like that going to hold still while you figure it out. Not only do you not know when to do something… you wouldn’t know where to put it if you did! And, Leroy… it can really hurt if you don’t know what you’re doing
Leroy: Richie, I must go to this dance contest!
Richie: I ain’t taking you nowhere and that’s final!
Leroy: Please!
Richie: Kiss my hand.
Leroy: Richie, please.
Richie: Maybe I’ll take you… if you carry me all the way on your back and rap.
Leroy: Rap? Me?
Richie: Yeah!

Richie: Okay! That’s it, That’s it, That’s it stop! Stop right here. It’s just pitiful.
Leroy: Well, give me one more chance!
Richie: No. It is pitiful. Put me down!
More Classic Richie Green Scenes from The Last Dragon:
Leroy: Richie, where are you going? Are you not going to buy tickets?
Richie: of course I’m gonna buy I ticket…. I never buy a ticket! You stir fried rice head you… man if anybody asks you, you ain’t my brother.
Leroy: you are not planning to enter without paying are you?
Richie: Chill out chopsticks, let me handle this.

Leroy: What Happened?
Richie: Sho’nuff happened! That’s what! And it’s all cause of you! Everybody knows you’re scared of him! Kissed his shoes and everything! What good is that Kung fu jive if you can’t even use it? Coward! Why don’t you go some place and meditate on that!

Richie: You two play a game if you want to. I’m gonna sit right here and wait for her to show up. And the rap I’m gonna lay on her is gonna make Romeo seem tongue-tied. Make her melt like hot butter all over my body! And this time ain’t nothin’ gonna stand between me and my destiny with the sweet lips of Lady Laura!
Richie: I’m gonna slap that sucker silly with a suit for alienation of affection! If it wasn’t for me, he wouldn’t know who she was! Chocolate covered yellow peril! …that sucker better start sleeping with one of his inscrutable eyes open because when I get a chance it’s gonna be a serious case of chop sockey justice coming his way…

Richie: Ran out on you huh? Don’t cover up for that ping pong playing chow mein for brains kung fu head!
Richie: Get your hands off my woman! I SAID GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WOMAN!!
And off course the most memorable Richie Green scene of all time has to be when he Break Dances his way out of ropes!

Leroy wasn’t truly the master until his street-wise little brother Richie said so!
Sure Leroy got the glow, beat Sho and got the girl but how could he really be the master if his little brother still thought he was a weird, ping-pong playing, stir fried, chow-mien for brains nerd?
Richie’s Friend: yo man she got the cornball
Richie: He ain’t no cornball, he’s my brother and he’s the master.
For the most in-depth information on the real Richie Green check out Illmatical’s exclusive 2011 interview with Leo O’Brien
He left a Legacy of laughter and Love! Gone too soon…BUT he will ALWAYS BE RICHIE……….*sigh*
Although Leo O’ Brien who played Richie could be a pain at times he was one cool brother His talent will be missed. RIP LEO AKA Richie Gone but Never Forgotten.