In the letter below, Taimak opens up on the hard truths he has learned about the movie industry, why he hasn’t been in more films, why there was never a Last Dragon Sequel, and the Celebrations planned for The Last Dragon’s 30th Anniversary. Please read this exclusive heart to heart directly from the one and only Bruce Leroy. I feel its something fans have been waiting 30 years to hear…
Heart to Heart
Written by Taimak | @iamtaimak
wow, wow, wow…
I’m speechless, that’s how I feel.
So many fans showed up to the Urban Action Showcase & Expo to be at The Last Dragon 30th anniversary in November, 2014. (The pre-party to the actual 30th anniversary in 2015)
I can tell you I felt the love from every single person that showed up and I want you to know it was very much appreciated!!!
You guys not only showed me that very special “GLOW LOVE”, but you showed more than that, you showed your loyalty to me after 30 long years, you guys showed up!!!
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart and I want to keep the party going.
Myself, Demetrius Angelo (UAS creator) and Craig Sutton (TLD tribute page creator) have put together a structure for getting TLD 30th anniversary celebration to your city.
On my website you can learn how this is going to happen and how YOUR PARTICIPATION is imperative to making it all go down.
So for those of you that couldn’t make it to NYC for the pre-celebration of TLD 30th, you will not be left out.
There’s another opportunity to BRING IT TO YOUR CITY…..whatta you think of that!?
Please do me a favor and like “THE LAST DRAGON 30TH ANNIVERSARY FAN PAGE” and if you were at the pre-celebration in November, leave a testimonial letting me know how much you enjoyed being there at Times Square’s AMC theater.
Go to:
And if you like go to find out more about bringing the celebration to your city
On another note,
I think it’s appropriate for me to give some background with regard to filmmaking and the entertainment business.
I feel should clear the air and that I owe that to you because there’s been quite a lot of confusion about me and why I don’t work more or why I haven’t made another big movie in 30 years.
It’s a good time to open up a dialogue about how and what goes into getting a movie made.
Even people that are in the entertainment business aren’t aware of the “business” of entertainment and how it all works.
And I have to admit I was in the dark as well for many years, either in denial or so caught up in the craft of acting, that I didn’t pay much attention to how things worked.
It was the exception not the rule, for me to be hired as the lead in TLD.
This machine of Hollywood can be treacherous, in that actors don’t get work based on their talent a lot of the time, they get gigs based on politics, nepotism, who you know and how you’re able to coalesce with a particular power broker (Studio head) in this business. Some of you might be saying “Of course I know that”, but to really see how so many talented people and the art of filmmaking has been impacted by this, you really have to live and breathe it.
Gigs are delivered from the top down…it’s really a trickle down entertainment system. The top decide if anyone is going to get a film green lit and into the movie theaters.
The reason why I bring this up to you, is because I’m always asked questions from fans and for so many years…
“When are YOU going to make TLD part II?”…..”You should be working alot!”…..”Why don’t you make another movie”.. Even some of the highest paid actors in Hollywood have problems financing films, It’s tougher than you think. There’s a reason why you see the same black actors working all the time “Denzel, Will, etc…”.
But there are so many other talented actors/writers/directors that should be hired and given a chance to get their work financed, but they’re not.
This is not a complaint, I’m just being honest with you. Letting you in on what most people that have been in the business for a good amount of time now. But it doesn’t mean that I can’t get a movie made, if anything there’s a better chance now than ever!!!
Today with your help we can begin to break that glass ceiling and get things lit up. And this 30th anniversary tour is the 1st opportunity to get things going, we can be PROACTIVE in getting more great movies made and God willing, into the theaters, for you to see.
We the people should be choosing what we get to see on the big and small screen, not a chosen few hiding away in their office and up in the hills of Hollywood.
We the people need to stand up and make a difference!
It’s time to put the power in our hands and get some movies made.
I’m asking you to join me to put the power in our hands.
Thank you,
We Need Your Feedback! Please Join our The Last Dragon 30th Facebook Fan Page and leave a Testimonial about why you Love The Last Dragon or what roles you would like to see Taimak play ~> Click Here
Remember There is Only One Way to Bring The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Celebration to a Theatre near YOU

Pre-Order Your Tickets HERE Today!!

————————————————————————————— is a blog dedicated to preserving the joy of Berry Gordy’s 1985 Motown meets Kung Fu cult classic The Last Dragon & Executive Producer of The 2015 Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Celebration. Follow us from the links below for your daily dose of the Glow!