Sure the 30th-anniversary last year was a big deal but we don’t just celebrate the big milestones around here! On March 22nd, 2016 Berry Gordy’s The Last Dragon celebrated its 31st Anniversary.
In honor of this momentous milestone for the Motown meets martial arts cult classic here’s a round-up of the Top 10 Last Dragon related news items you may have missed in the year that has passed.
The Top 10 Recent Last Dragon Stories You May Have Missed
Sho’nuff is in the Smithsonian!!!
The vest that Julius Carry wore while playing Sho’nuff in The Last Dragon is now on display in the Collection of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture! This is outstanding! Great to see the brilliance of Julius Carry and the Baddassery of Sho’nuff get the recognition they deserve!

Taimak’s Book Tour
Taimak will be touring the country promoting the release of his autobiography Taimak: The Last Dragon. With all the cities he is going to there is a good chance he’ll be in a city near you at some point this year! Events include book signings, meet and greet photo op with Taimak, Q&A with Taimak and screenings of The Last Dragon with Taimak. For a full list of all the tour dates and tickets visit: Incorgnito Publishing Press
Get an additional $2 off an autographed limited edition hardcover copy of Taimak’s autobiography by using our coupon code at checkout: Buy it here! Coupon Code: thelastglow
Denise Matthews passed away
We lost another one… After battling kidney failure since the early 90’s the evangelist formely known as Vanity passed away on Feb 15, 2016 at the age of 57. Denise joins the late Leo O’Brien and Julius Carry in 7th Heaven.
Master? Is that You?
We haven’t seen him since he went off on a quest, I mean trip, to visit his mother in Miami. Did somebody actually find the master? Could this be Leroy’s former master, Thomas Ikeda, buying groceries in a California supermarket?

Is The Last Dragon Remake still Alive?
We’ve been hearing about a remake for almost 10 years now. We get asked about it all the time. At this point we really doubt it is ever going to happen but in December 2015 Dallas Jackson, the producer of The Last Dragon remake, made the following comment on one of our Facebook posts…. maybe 2016 is the year of The Last Dragon remake after all???? We still doubt it…
Chris Brown’s Homage to The Last Dragon
Chris Brown’s video for “Fine by Me” is a blantant homeage to The Last Dragon. Chris is a huge Last Dragon fan and was the early choice to play Bruce Leroy in the remake. Watch the video and read our breakdown of all the similarities in this article: Chris Brown’s Last Dragon Inspired Video is Fitting he was going to be Bruce Leroy in Remake

The Last Dragon Fan Film
You’ve got to check out Leroy Goes to Holywood a Last Dragon fan film byDated Future Productions. It’s a fun, light hearted sequel and excellent homage to a cult classic. You can watch the whole 25 min adventure from this article: The Last Dragon 2: Leroy Goes to Hollywood a Fan Film by Dated Future
The Last Dragon Blu-Ray
On August 25th, 2015 finally The Last Dragon was released on Blu-Ray. This was a great day for die hard fans and extra special to us since we’ve been pushing for sometime for this to happen.
MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!! #TheLastDragonBluRay #TheLastDragon #BluRay —————————————- THANKS TO YOU THE FANS, @iamtaimak aka #BruceLeroy #DemetriusAngelo from @urbanactionshowcase, the people at #SonyPicturesHomeEntertainment & just a little bit to @thecraigsutton aka @thelastglow ? #TheLastDragonTribute A photo posted by (@thelastglow) on
It was rewarding to know that we played a role (all be it small) in helping make this happen. Read more about the Blu-Ray and the people who made it happen (Taimak, Demetrius Angelo, Sony and the Fans!!): It’s Official Sony to Release The Last Dragon Blu-Ray on August 25th!!!
Watch Sony’s Official 30th Anniversary Last Dragon promo video
Still don’t have your copy? You can order The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary edition Blu-Ray from Amazon.
Taimak turned 51
Yeah that’s right, on June 27th, 2015 Bruce Leroy turned 51, and yeah he still looks 25. Keep up with him on from his website: you’ll find links to his social media and updates on his appearances and book tour.

Ernie Reyes Jr Kidney Failure
In early June 2015, Ernie Reyes Jr. was hospitalized due to kidney failure. His kidney troubles began in March 2015. He’s doing much better now but still has to go through dialysis treatments until a kidney transplant can be found. Read more on this story, including a link to a fundraiser to help with medical bills: Help Ernie Reyes Jr. Needs a Kidney Transplant Please Support & Share!
The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Tour
The 30th Anniversary tour kicked off March 21st, 2015 in Newark, New Jersey a day before the 30th Anniversary of The Last Dragon and ended in San Francisco with a screening hosted by W. Kamau Bell and Taimak on December 18, 2015. Read about how The Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Tour got off the ground and watch Ernie and Taimak break boards at the Dallas event.

So what did we miss?
Please Join us in Wishing The Last Dragon a Happy 31st Birthday!!
Written by Craig Sutton | @thelastglow
———————————————————————————- is a blog dedicated to The Last Dragon fan community with the aim to Keep The Glow alive! It was started by a fan for the fans. Follow us from the links below for your daily dose of the Glow!