The Last Dragon fans it may be true. An independent video game maker has created the fighting game: Kings of Kung-Fu!

He has taken the likenesses of some of his favorite classic martial arts movie characters; heroes and villains, and decided to put them in one video game.
Imagine Bruce Lee vs Bruce Leroy… Or what would happen if Ghostface Killer fought Shonuff? Your favorite martial arts film characters all in one game and you decide who is the winner.

Help make the game that we have all been dreaming about since we saw Leroy catch a bullet in his teeth a reality. Go to Kickstarter today and order your copy –>
Kings of Kung-Fu Video Game Preview:
I spotted characters resembling Jackie Chan, Gordon Liu, Jet Li, Tony Jaa, Jean-Claude Van Damme & Jim Kelly just to name a few! Who did you see?
Check it out this interview with-> the creator of Kings of Kung Fu: Jae Bowman is a blog dedicated to preserving the joy of Berry Gordy’s 1985 Motown meets Kung Fu cult classic The Last Dragon. We also delve into all things Bruce Lee, Martial Arts and enjoy reminiscing about 70′s,80′s & 90′s pop culture. Follow us from the links below for your daily dose of the Glow!