Is this what it appears to be? Dallas Jackson & Samuel L Jackson holding a copy of The Last Dragon Remake Movie Poster?

Not sure how this one slipped by us for over a year, but we recently noticed that Dallas Jackson, writer and producer of The Last Dragon remake, has been using this as his Facebook Cover Photo. The pic was uploaded to Dallas’ account March 18, 2012. It is definitely him, that is definitely Sam Jackson but what’s up with that poster?
Sam Jackson, Chris Brown, Rihanna, The RZA & The Last Dragon Remake
You’ll notice at the bottom of the poster are the names Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Brown and the RZA. The RZA is slated to co-produce, Sam Jackson has been linked to the Sho’nuff role since 2008 and if you follow our remake update page you’ll know that originally Dallas Jackson wanted Chris Brown and Rihanna to star as Bruce Leroy and Laura Charles. Gotta admit it’s still pretty shocking to see Chris’ name on the poster.

Does this mean The Last Dragon Remake is Happening?
Ultimately whether this remake happens or not will be up to fans. If the fans want it enough and show they will support it Sony would crazy not to green light it. I read that they were thinking of coinciding the release of the reboot with Motown’s 50th anniversary next year (2014) but who knows how true that rumor is.
The poster was probably designed to create some buzz (which we are happy to help with) so I wouldn’t read to much into it but it does beg the questions -is this just a fan made poster? What’s with the dude holding the sword? is that supposed to Sam as Sho’nuff? are they serious about Chris Brown as Leroy Green?
What do you think about this Poster? Please comment below and share/like on Social Media.
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————————————————————————————— is a blog dedicated to preserving the joy of Berry Gordy’s 1985 Motown meets Kung Fu cult classic The Last Dragon & Partner of The 2015 Last Dragon 30th Anniversary Celebration. Follow us from the links below for your daily dose of the Glow!

Don’t ruin a legacy with Chris Brown. I can’t enjoy anything with him in it now. I know forgiveness is admirable, just being honest tho.
I agree Rhianna bears no likeness of Laura Charles nor does Chris Brown Bruce leroy
The overall cast sucks you’ll need someone who at least knows martial arts for one
My atf movie. I think Rihanna could pull it off. I just hope the studio gets a well trained martial artist to play Bruce Leroy.
My “The Last Dragon” recast/remake
Jaden Smith: as Leroy Green Jr.
Anthony Michael Hobbs: Richie Green
Michael Jai White: Sho Nuff
Michael Moh: Johnny Yu
Rihanna: Laura Charles
Jason Alexander: Eddie Arcadian
Richard Warburton: Rock
Miley Cyrus: Angela Viracco
Taimak: Mr. Leroy Green Sr.
Taraji P. Henson: Mrs. Green
Noah Ringer: Tia
Jackie Chan: Chinese Master
Already saw the Jaiden and Jackie combo… they were good in Karate Kid remake but can’t use them again… Now Miley Cyrus as Angela! Lol! Love it!
I dunno, Jaden is perfect, & they could always call on Chow Yun Fat as the old Master! Lol
Good line up and I definitely agree with Chow Yun Fat as the master. And I think Wesley Snipes would be a far better Sho Nuff than Michael Jai White, just my meaningless opinion anyway.
Rihanna – Jaden Smith have a 10 year age difference and jaden is still under age for that paert of the movie.
I would prefer a sequel than a remake.
Samuel as older sho’nuff
Taimak as older Leroy
and Ernie Reyes Jr returning as well.
The Last Dragon 2 – Revenge of the Shogun.
many of the actors you mention can still be in it.
And I “The Last Dragon 2 revenge of the Shogun”
I’m sorry but the moment I saw that title first thing that came into my mind was revenge of the Sith I am pretty confident that everybody that’s all that tired all will be thinking the same exact thing that I just did
Michael Jai White losing to Jaden is almost so unrealistic it’s comical. I agree they need a a well trained martial artist to play Leroy, I do like Jai white playing Sho Nuff though.
If they do this movie with Chris Brown and Rihanna…..can you say “BOYCOT” Only thing C.B. can do is help Rihanna with her Cover Girl commercials!! I don’t think Jade Smith would do the movie justice. I really didn’t like “The Karate Kid” remake cause they keep talking about Kung Fu. They need to keep it that cheesy B movie that we all feel in love with!! Finds those actors that can play the parts as close to the original actors as possible. Leroy was a shy, silent, strong character that was very naïve to the world around him. The loud mouth, mischievous brother who got into trouble. The Beautiful damsel in distress. Then the Great Nemesis to Leroy “Sho Nuff”. Hopefully they will take the time to picking the right people for the movie so they can have a GREAT Remake!! Well I guess if it SUCKS I can always pop my DVD in the player and enjoy the original at home!
If they want a good guy to play Bruce Leroy I’ll love to be the one.Maybe it can bring some justice to the original I think the ending could had been better I can work out get my body fit and slim I’m trying to lose weight I want to be a actor mostly I’m a rapper hope it can take to stardom. If not it dosen’t’ hurt to act or play films to support my music.
The last dragon, g.o.a t.! With the right cast it would an awesome remake. Hope it happens. Btw, Chris would not be a fit for leroy. Rihanna could def pull of laura charles.
People are gonna hate for saying it but I agree with you Rihanna could be good.
Did you forget she can’t act to save her life. in her super short role in the film “You got served’, she was quite a bore. Even as herself she has no passion in front of the camera.
One of the all time greatest movies. Rihanna yes, but Chris brown a definite hell no unless you plan on him fighting women the whole movie. Sam Jackson can pull off any role. How about considering jaden smith for the Bruce Leroy role considering he is a great actor and has experience in martial arts already with the next karate kid.
Get over the Chris Brown beating weman and shit to all of yaw. Not saying its right but most of yaw. beat on females any how. That shit happen 6 years ago grow the fuck move on much like he did.
Yea but an old man beating up a young kid, good choice of actors but I don’t know they might not go together.
To ruin a legacy like the last Dragon with the likes of rihanna is an insult to vanity… no can pay Leroy like taimak leave well enough alone… Chris Brown who is gonna beat rihanna again please let these people stick to music she can’t act herself outta paper bag n Chris is a woman beater…. leave the legacy as is
Amen I agree you can’t make a mess of this timeless classic you just can’t throw anybody into the roles of Laura Charles Leroy Green Shonuff and Ritchie Green
Thank you
I believe that Jaden Smith should play Leroy green and Beyonce should play Laura Charles Danny Devito should be considered to play Eddy Arkadian just my thoughts.
I’m so in love with the cast that u chose…I think they would be awesome
UFC Light heavyweight champion JON JONES AS LEROY!!!!!!
Michael Jai White as bruce Leroy!!!!
Meghan Trainor as Angela Verraco?
I think if Busta Rhymes lost weight, he would be a great Sho’nuff, and get Chris Brown out of this.
Seeing his name associated to this, gives me a bad feeling this may be another terrible remake.
I would love to see this remake happen I think it would be big.
I think the rock should play Bruce leroy.
I don’t know who dreampt up any of the cast ….rihanna? Chris brown? Why bcuz he punches n kicked her ass …nga plz….and snoop dog for shownuff since busta looks all FD up n odb is dead…call it quits with that line up…you can’t js redue a classic like that
Yes, would love to see a remake. Still love this movie. Samuel as Leroy Sr. Would be good, just that smart mouth sounds like him. I agree on chow yun fat or jet li. Leroy Jr. Has to be someone with martial art skills, not just some actor. Don’t like power rangers!!! And Sho Nuff has to be someone that’s loud mouth and looks like him. I agreed on Busta, would be good.
Taimak the master- Bruce leroy( gold glow dragon clan) all body glow practicing ( jeet lune do)
Pooch Hall as LJ Leroy junior who discovers the golden glow from Leroy)
Samuel L Jackson as shonuff ( master of red glow tiger Kung fu clan)
Michael jai whit plays shonuff son Shane
Jean Claude van dame (master of blue glow clan of kickboxing)
Jackie Chan (master of green glow clan of praying mantis Kung fu)
Mike Tyson (master of black panther glow can of boxing)
Donnie yen ( master of orange clan of wing chun)
Jet li ( master of white clan of ju jitsu)
The tournament prize is the dragon belt contributed to the memory of Bruce lees pioneer start of mma ( enter the dragon first scene)
Pooch defeats Michael jai n wins dragon belt n shonuff feel he lost 2-0 now he want revenge n part 3 against Leroy. That’s how it should go u will only distort a classic wit remaking the original. And instead we can make rihanna pooches girlfriend in the movie that would be perfect. Also vanity can be leroys wife. What do u guys think this will spill into three sequel instead of one. Let find a way to get Hollywood to make this happen. Gimme some feedback on this please
Leave the classic alone…instead make a sequel with Taimak as the Master. Keep it cheesy with all new catchphrases. But if you are going to reboot it…in my opinion the RZA would make a good Sho-Nuff…Sam Jackson has the acting chops but i think he might be getting too old for the part. Find a not so well known fresh face to play Bruce Leroy. Alicia Keys would be a great Laura Charles. And please, please, please DO NOT cast Chris Brown as Bruce Leroy!!! Chris Brown should be one of Sho-Nuff’s minions…now that would be funny!
Ernie Reyes Jr has to be in it, either as a supporting role or as a cameo.