By Clarke Illmatical
On November 9th, 2019, martial artist, action stars, performers and everyone who enjoys the action film genre, will converge on the AMC theater in Times Square, for the 7th Annual Urban Action Showcase and Expo.
The event, starts at 10 am, Saturday morning, and runs until midnight. Several of the theaters will screen martial arts and action films, alongside an expo allowing fans to meet celebrities, actors, martial artists, comic creators and participate in virtuality reality gaming experiences.
The Urban Action Showcase and Expo is the brainchild of martial artists and filmmaker, Demetrius Angelo, a martial artist, turned filmmaker who created the event, to change the narrative of Black people in cinema and to promote Black heroes. Angelo explained saying “At the end of the day, I wanted to change the perceptions of our people. Think about the images that are predominant on TV. We’re either criminals, drug dealers, we’re drug addicts, we’re slaves.”
Angelo put together the first UASE in 2013, and the event has become the premier martial arts event in the United States, attracting practitioners, filmmakers, and fans from across the country.
Speaking on the success of the UASE, martial artist Lady Sensei said “I believe it is important for people of color in the martial arts because it is a Herculean platform, where our heroes and sheroes of the past, present, and future, are showcased and celebrated. It creates opportunities and gives intergenerational filmmakers, directors, actresses and actors, stunt performers, an international platform to showcase their talent and creativity. It also gives fans access to meet their favorite action stars. In the last four years, I have watched the UASE burgeon into a premiere event in New York City’s Times Square, the center of the universe, with standing room only.”
The event is preceded by a VIP award show, on November 8th, for celebrities, filmmakers, creators, actors, actresses, and stuntmen. This year’s award show is especially important, martial arts legend Ron Van Clief will pass the mantle of “The Black Dragon,” to martial arts film star Michael Jai White.
Although Angelo was heavily influenced by Jim Kelly, Fred Williamson, and Ron Van Clief, it was the Asian movie stars, that set him on his journey as a martial artist. Angelo explained “Those kung fu movies we use to watch on Channel 5 and on 42nd street, those were the first representation of non-White action heroes that we got to see, we were highly influenced by those visuals. The things that they were going through, on the screen, was similar to what we were going through in our neighborhoods.”
Although Bruce Lee and many other Asian film stars are adored in Black communities, the movie that changed things for Angelo was The Last Dragon. “It wasn’t until 1985 when the Last Dragon came on the scene when we were able to identify with a hero that looks like us!”
How important is diversity the representation of Black heroes? Angelo explained saying “There are many testimonies, of various individuals who have made it today, who got that one word, from their hero, that really changed their situation and gave them the catalyst, to persevere. To become what they are today!”

Another highlight of this year’s UASE is the 35 anniversary of The Last Dragon. There will be a Q/A session, featuring the film’s star Taimak, and a preview of the animated fan sequel, Rise of The Last Dragon.
For more information about the UASE, visit:
Listen to Demetrius Angelo talk about the show on The Kung Fu Drive-in Podcast
~Illmatical 無敵將軍
Clarke Illmatical (@masternever) is a writer from Queens, NY. He is the creator of the martial arts fantasy story, MASTERNEVER AND THE FLOW OF DEATH. His writing has appeared in The Amsterdam News, The Norwood News, Harlem Community News, and Queens Politics in New York City. In Asia, his work has been featured in The South China Morning Post, China Global Daily, TimeOut Hong Kong, The Phnom Penh Post, and E-China Cities.
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